Publication list
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Publication list
The books related to Takaaki Yoshimoto
The Communal Illusion, etc.
L’Illusion commune
Commemoration in Takaaki Yoshimoto – Michel Foucault and the Common Illusion
Comment on L’Illusion commune wanted by Michel Foucault
Novels by Mako Takahama
Treasures of Bordeaux ー The Forgotten Ancestors of the Modern French
Challenge for beauty~Japanese hair salon goes to Paris
Queen Guinevere’s necklace
Runway for Revenge
Composition of Jealousy
Stage of plagiarism
The Beyond of the Labyrinth
Case Files of Professor Kagami Izumi
Detective travel of Professor Kagami Izumi; Kanazawa, Kamakura, Saint-Germain en laye
Travel to the United States of Professor Izumi Kagami
Alexandre Dumas Collection(Drama & travel)
Kean or disorder and genius
Mademoiselle Belle-Isle
Henri III and his court
Tower of Nesle
The commemoration of Molière’s 400th anniversary: the Kyogen drama series
The Doctor in Spite of Himself
The Bourgeois Gentleman
Yamakan or the Imaginary Cuckold
The modern Learned Ladies
sCritique of the School for Wives
Tartuffe, or, the Impostor
The Stone Guest, The Feast with the Statue
The School for Husbands
The School for Wive
The Flying Doctor
Love Is the Doctor
The Impostures of Suppa
The book related to J.-P. Sartre
books of tanka (Japanese poem of thirty‐one syllables)
Hyakunin Isshu Love
Midnight Tanka
the life of three weeks in Paris ~ living an apartment in Montparnasse
Play scripts
On the title of “Kanazawa-East, West, Shyu and North”
Castle of Osaka, the tower of princesses of rancor; The sequel to the love of Yodo and Harunaga
The time retrieved
Osaka Castle-the gold tea caddy disappeared
Meiji-mura Illusion