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Information & contact


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Digitalestate Inc. is the Japanese digital publishing and print-on-demand company. We support people who want to produce books and selling in electronic bookshops around the world. The publishing house was established as a bookstore in Nagoya in 1953. In 2006 it changed the designation and address to start publishing and launched the large-scale electronic publication from 2012. In addition to books Japanese, she also publishes French books, including “L’Illusion Commune" by Takaaki Yoshimoto (known as Ryumei) translated from Japanese by Hitoshi Nakata, president of this publishing house.


  1. ART,PICTURE BOOKS,LIFESTYLE AND PRACTICAL LIFE (Fine-arts, leisure, practical life, languages..).
  2. DOCUMENTS, NEWS, ESSAYS (Essays, documents, news reports, policy, briefs, testimonies, biographies)
  3. HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (History, geography, law, political sciences, eco sciences)
  4. LITERATURE (Novels, drama and poetry)
  5. Sectors of activities


Hitoshi Nakata




Please send us your inquiries / questions etc. by filling out the form below.



    Posted by hnakata